

Welcome to the best starting point for developers looking to learn web3 and blockchain!

What is Solana ?


Solana is a high performance decentralized blockchain network built for mass adoption with low network fees( $0.00025 ) . It is utilized for a range of use cases, including De-fi, NFTs, payments, and gaming. Here are the key features of Solana is :

Onchain Program DevelopmentThe ability to develop and deploy programs onchain. Users can interact with these programs permissionlessly, removing the need for middleman servers.
400ms Slot TimesEvery transaction sent by users on Solana is confirmed in a block. With a target slot time of 400ms for each block, users do not have to wait.
Low FeesFees on Solana are well known to be low. With a median fee of 0.00064 SOL per transaction, Solana enables building for users worldwide.
High ThroughputScaling to thousands of transactions per second, Solana is built to scale with your application's user needs.

What is Web3 ?

Web3 Illustration

Web3 is more open, transparent, next- generation internet where individuals have greater control over their digital assets. It's designed to be more decentralized, secure, and user-focused. Here are the some key aspects of Web3 :

  1. Decentralization: Unlike Web 2.0 technology , where all the services relies on centralized servers , Web3 uses blockchain technology where we don't have any servers and data distributed and operates across a network of computers.

  2. Cryptocurrencies and Tokens: Multiple Web3 protocols and introduces their native digital currencies and tokens such as SOL , ETH that can be used for various purposes within decentralized applications (dApps). These can represent assets, rights, or access to services.

  3. Smart Contracts: It's an self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement / functions directly written into code. Smart contracts automatically enforce and execute agreements when predefined conditions are met.

  4. dApps (Decentralized Applications): Applications built over on blockchain networks that operate without having centralized authority. Examples include decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and NFT marketplaces and many more.

  5. Interoperability (Cross-Chain): Web3 promotes interoperability / cross-chanin transfers between different blockchain networks and platforms, allowing for seamless interaction and integration. Examples of Cross-Chains protocols are Wormhole, Axelar etc.

Objective of Course

By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to:

  1. understand what web3 is
  2. understand what Solana is
  3. learn how be Solana Core Developer