Wallet Guide

Solana Wallet Overview

A crypto wallet or is a device or application that stores a collection of keys and can be used to send, receive, and track ownership of your fund. Wallet is of multiple forms which might be a directory or file, a piece of paper where you store your private keys , or a specialized device called a hardware wallet. There are also various smartphone apps such as Phantom, Metmask, solfare etc. and computer programs that provide a user-friendly way to create and manage wallets.

There are multiple terms related to your wallet are listed below :

  1. Keypair : Combination of Public Key and Private Key refers as Keypair. It is securely generated key and derived from public key.

  2. Public Key : It's Wallet Adress which you give in order to receive funds. It can be shared and displayed with no tension and you can check all ur status with ur public key / wallet address.

  3. Secret Key: It is referred as private key, which requires to digitally sign any transactions to send cryptocurrencies to another address or responsible to any changes in the wallet. The secret key must never be shared. If someone gains access to the secret key to a wallet, they can withdraw all the tokens it contains. Thers is famous line stating "Not your keys Not your funds" which means if u lost ur secret / private key then all ur assesta are lost and cannot be recover
