Development Overview
Solana CLI

Solana CLI Tool Kit

In this section, we will describe how to use the Solana command-line tools to create a wallet, to send and receive SOL tokens, and to participate in staking.

To interact with a Solana cluster, we will use its command-line interface, also known as the CLI. The CLI is not necessarily the easiest to use, but it provides the most direct, flexible, and secure access to your Solana accounts.


To get started you journey in Development with Solana , you need to specify first whether you wish to go with client side development or Onchain development or both.

Cliend Side Development

If you're developing on the client-side, you can work with any programming language you're comfortable with. Solana has community-contributed SDKs to help developers interact with the Solana network in most popular languages:

RUSTsolana_sdk (opens in a new tab)
Typescript@solana/web3.js (opens in a new tab)
Pythonsolders (opens in a new tab)
Javasolanaj (opens in a new tab)
C++solcpp (opens in a new tab)
Gosolana-go (opens in a new tab)
KotlinsolanaKT (opens in a new tab)
Dartsolana (opens in a new tab)

Now after building client-side applications , we now require RPC to communicate with network. Solana have multiple RPC Infrastructure :

TestnetDevnetMainnet-beta (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab)
Helius (opens in a new tab)Syndica (opens in a new tab)
QuickNode (opens in a new tab)Blockdaemon (opens in a new tab)
GetBlock (opens in a new tab)
Helius (opens in a new tab)
QuickNode (opens in a new tab)


Onchain Program Development

Onchain Program Development consists of writing programs / smart contracts in Rust , C, C++. Firstly you have to install Rust on your machine. You can do this by pasting the command in ur desired file/ terminal :

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

After it , you need to have Solana CLI (opens in a new tab) installed on your machine, I have attached the proper resources of it . You can install the Solana CLI by running the following command:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

After installation of both the above terminilogies , I suggest you to run Local validator to test and perfom onchain activities .


While building onchain , you need to choose between Rust (without a framework) / Anchor Framework. Anchor is a framework that makes it easier to build on Solana by providing a higher-level API for developers.